My Life As A Keithly

This blog is intended to keep me sane and tell some stories relating to my life as it is being lived in the present. My previous life is way too graphic for publication, unless someone is willing to pay me 'cause I don't work for free. To those who will take their time and join me I offer no big thrills only glimpses of what it's like to have become an undefinable brown woman. :-)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

If I Scream In A Forest...Will Anyone Hear Me?

Guess what?  I'm still here...I survived another week! 

These days just seem to roll over each other so complacently as if my cares did not exist.  I've been taking refuge in my subconscience after raging war this last week against entities that seek to conquer my spirits and force me to my knees; which I would rather face the burning coals of Hell before I relinquish myself to that fate...unless of course it was the 'mister' that was askin'...HAR, HAR, HAR!

But how does one begin to fight the foe(s) whose only objective is to suck out the very essence of your being, leaving behind a crater full of lost hope and dejection.  I struggle to understand God's will for my life; yet, strangely, I've felt so tenacious in my daily thoughts and prayers.  I only wish this strength would endure throughout my days, especially those hard ones; considering the personal trials that overcame me in these last days, weeks...months!  Nevertheless, I stand staunch and fortified in my continued belief that it's all to His purpose...I just wish He'd let me in on some stuff, especially the good stuff.

'Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.'  -Hebrews 2:13

Pray for me, my friends, and know that I have not forgotten about you.  Even those that no longer are close and have drifted from me for 'unknown' or maybe 'not wanting to know' reasons.  I miss you! 

By the way there's something else I forgot to mention...