My Life As A Keithly

This blog is intended to keep me sane and tell some stories relating to my life as it is being lived in the present. My previous life is way too graphic for publication, unless someone is willing to pay me 'cause I don't work for free. To those who will take their time and join me I offer no big thrills only glimpses of what it's like to have become an undefinable brown woman. :-)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

If you say so...then I can.

Glory be to God and his mercies, Amen!  This week has evolved itself into something bearable with somewhat of anticipation for the days forthcoming.  Unsure if it's because of the Spring blossoms just cresting over the horizon, my new energy surge from my work-out regiments, or my loss of troubles after decidedly giving them over with full disclosure to God. 

Don't get me wrong, so many things are still WRONG; but, since putting complete faith, like none I've ever known before, into God's hands the sense of peace and calm are extraordinary.  In these last weeks I've had to deal with some issues with my teenagers that wasn't very pleasant, hard as a matter of fact!  But we got through it and survived.  God said I would; so if He said so then I knew I could.

My work-out regiment consists of my stepper, light to moderate jog/walking at least 1.5-2 miles, and my continued and increasing hikes (except for my hikes, I find most exercise boring so it's an effort for me, to say the least).  My weight goal is -50 lbs.  It's a real chore to will myself to be so dedicated.  During the week I'm occupied with the children and the desire to crawl back into my bed after playing chauffeur, and the weekends...well, if we're not planning any 'outing' of sorts, then the hubby and I enjoy sleeping in and just cuddling together.  Whether we do this in bed or on the couch watching and glued to the tube we SO enjoy just hanging with eachother and our weekends are our only real time to take advantage.  Especially since, for so long, I worked the weekends and we had almost ZERO time with eachother.  Now we take advantage, and so we're like teenagers ourselves again and doing it like rabbits!  Is that right, 'doing it like rabbits'?  Where did that phrase come from, I wonder...

Our 9 year anniversary is just around the corner and I'm planning a special surprise for my love.  He's such the adventurous type so I expect to be throwing him out of a plane in the next few weeks, HA, HA, HA!! Tandem skydiving, that's the ticket!  I think he'll get such a kick outta that, fo' sho!  Now, he'll be able to check that off his 'Bucket List'.  Even though he can be barbaric, shrewd and coarse at times his better qualities do shine through every now and again.  It's because I hold those qualities in a higher regard I can suffer the lesser ones with a pinch of salt for taste.

Now back to me.  If all goes well my prayers include a chance to return to school and continue my education into a different path of study.  Since law school appears to be too far out in the horizon I've set my sights for something more socially satisfying, like the health care field.  There will always be a need for doctors, but a nurse can be just as promising and sometimes even more welcomed.  All in God's time and in His direction.  Can I get an 'AMEN'?!

The kids continue to excel and my life continues to progess, whether I like it or not.  Each day brings more anticipation of what that day will hold for me, and now that I have my Armor of God complete and fitted perfectly...I'm looking forward to them.

So bring it...on (ahhhh)