My Life As A Keithly

This blog is intended to keep me sane and tell some stories relating to my life as it is being lived in the present. My previous life is way too graphic for publication, unless someone is willing to pay me 'cause I don't work for free. To those who will take their time and join me I offer no big thrills only glimpses of what it's like to have become an undefinable brown woman. :-)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Enlighten me...I'm all ears!

Does anyone have anything good to say about 2010?  I'd like to hear it 'cause I can't really say I do, but I'm hoping this is only the Nietzchism in me that I try so hard everyday to keep suppressed, yet still prevails.  Although I can say with genuine truthfulness that my blessings in 2010 have truly runneth over: my children are fine and healthy, my husband is still employed, my health is intact (although I'm afraid I can't say the same for my mental state of mind), etc., etc., etc., and I can go on forever; but I won't 'cause I still want to have my outlet to breath and let my pessimistic side have some room to share.  Didn't you know I could be a Jekyll & Hyde?

See, that's why I developed this personal that I can 'BITCH & MOAN' without any interference, without the 'rolling of the eyes', or 'turning away from not wanting to hear it'!  'Cause that's what I would get from the one person who promised to be here in 'sickness & in health, etc.'  Well, so what if I had some good moments, maybe every great ones, in 2010 I still want my right to complain about the ones that weren't so good and great; and here is where I'll do it.  If those of you who are reading this wanna comment, criticize or 'BITCH' along with me, then feel free to do so.  I welcome the company.  You know what they say about Misery.

I have so many secrets that I've left a map, upon my death, to the location of my VERY personal journal that outlines all the many deviants to which I was guilty of in this year and those long passed.  Sorry folks!  Names have been named, people have been compromised, and lives will be changed.  C'est la vie...revenge of a NOT so middle-aged woman!

Anyway, in an effort to promote my belief in a manifest destiny I will strive to do better in 2011 believing that with God's help I will be overcome.  After all what is 'Manifest Destiny' but a policy of imperialism (or progress in my regard) rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God), and I believe He has it in for me...for the better, I pray!  With all that is planned for 2011 involving myself and my family I will seek to do better, to be better in all manners of my life not giving cause to how it will effect the outer elements of the world I live in.  It's time I look out for myself and what is mine because the contrary has, obviously, never worked!  I'm tired of the nepotism and one-sidedness and 2011 is a new beginning to start from the beginning.  Guess I've got like a second chance for a 'do-over' of sorts and I plan to take full advantage of this new life.  Forgive me for sounding so vague, but remember I'm a 'newbie' to this out pouring of myself and not really ready to let myself go on full throttle...just be patient and let's see what develops as time drifts past us.

So tomorrow night wherever you end up as you raise your glass in toast and singing the second chorus to 'Auld Lang Syne' think of me and include me in your toast that I, too, will ask the question 'should old acquaintance(s) be forgot and never be brought to mind' and drinking my 'cup of kindness' as I ponder this dilemma.  Most people don't get that song and I was one of them...'til now.  Like being grateful that 2010 is dead and gone along with whatever it included, one can't help but wonder if they should allow or desire EVERYTHING of 2010 to be dead and gone.  One must choose: all or least this has become my interpretation.

Thank you and see you on the other side...2011 here I cometh!!

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