My Life As A Keithly

This blog is intended to keep me sane and tell some stories relating to my life as it is being lived in the present. My previous life is way too graphic for publication, unless someone is willing to pay me 'cause I don't work for free. To those who will take their time and join me I offer no big thrills only glimpses of what it's like to have become an undefinable brown woman. :-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Beginning

I find it so gratifying and frightening how life takes its up and down turns, it's a reminder to me that at your lowest point there's nowhere else to go but right back up.  This is a new year and a time for some new beginnings.  I haven't made any resolutions, as of yet, and don't have plans for any, either.  What I have done is made myself some well deserved promises and commitments for better tomorrows.

I've started my tedious work out regiment, and have hopes of completing a goal of running a 5k.  Yeah, sure, it may sound minuscule to some, but for this someone who never considered herself a runner; by far, it is or will be a great accomplished for my part. 

More importantly, I'm dedicating more time to my prayer life.  Although, I'm not a front row, church-going, bible-thumping member my faithfulness is unending, enduring, and challenging.  I do hope to assimilate myself with a strong Christian church at some point, however I never felt that being a church member was necessary in order to be a God-fearing Christian soldier.  I miss my old church.

Tomorrow night the Mister and I have plans to attend his company's annual Holiday party.  Yes, they always plan it after Christmas that way they have a higher 'turn-out' rate; more people willing and able to attend.  The party is themed, as it is every year and so much fun!  The food is awesome and the party favors and give-aways are like none I've ever encountered at any other company 'Shin-Dig'.  I'm so looking forward to tomorrow night's Hawaiian Luau!!  As for this weekend we have a day hike planned and I can't wait!!  It's been a long time since our last hike due to this Winter Wonderland In The Desert that has come upon us.  You can never tell when you could get hit by a desert flash-flood!  But the weather this week has held up and looks good for the coming days.  The views of Big Bear and Idyllwild from our backyard hills are breathtaking and that's what I'm waiting to see.  If the views from the city streets are spectacular you can imagine what they're like from atop our MoVal hills.  Or maybe you can't, so I'll post you some pictures.

The coming days, weeks...months are going to be monumentous, to say the least.  We're expecting many drastic changes in our lives.  I've been considering a new job that is very intriguing to me; however, it's some 400 miles away in Stockton, CA.  The hubby won't even discuss it; 'cause, to him, there's no need for discussion.  It's not even a consideration to him.  To leave him behind and have me go away for miles is not even worthy of mention.  He'd rather we stay where we are and struggle, than have me go off and risk complications within our relationship and family.  Although, I agree with him in that respect I can't help but feel despondent for our situation.  It is grave.  But, in my husband and God, I have great faith and loyalty.  It's been tested many times before, but somehow I've held steadfast and true.

Make no mistake, tho...times are changing and the seals have been broken.  Take heed and change your mindset and look to the skies.  Despite our situation I rise each day and bless it for in it I will find my children safe and sound, my husband busy at work, and myself energized by the goodness and mercies that He continues to bless me with, this undeserving servant, continually.

I wonder, tho...

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